domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

Do something about it!!

The particular intention behind this group of activities is to strengthen understanding by linking it to active response. The aim is that the children have something to do as a result of what they hear. This means that they have to process the language they hear.


1.   You are in a boat, sailing on the sea.
2.   Enter in the Treasure Island and go straight along.
3.   You are in a cave
4.   Turn left
5.   Cross the bridge
6.   Walk trough the jungle between palms trees
7.   Go to the waterfall
8.   Overcame the waterfall
9.   Go straight along
10. Climb the volcano’s mountain
11. Turn right
12. Swim across Crocodile lake
13. Come down to the beach
14. You have just find the treasure!!!

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